Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Adventures of Kit Carson: Road to Monterey

The Adventures of Kit Carson: Road to Monterey

Originally broadcast in first-run syndication on Saturday, August 25, 1951.

Plot: Kit Carson and El Toro protect a California state senator from a plot to keep him from casting a key vote.

Analysis: Adventures of Kit Carson is based, somewhat loosely, on the life of Christopher “Kit” Carson. Carson’s life spanned much of the history of westward expansion in the United States from the Mexican-American War through the American Civil War and into the reservation period for the American Indians. It can be fairly said that, between dime novels and shows like this, the details of Carson’s life have probably become somewhat exaggerated over time. That being said, he was a real person who participated in real events, therefore he works as a touchstone for the period and a character that can be identified with.

As for the story, I am struck by the similarities to what we already have seen with Cisco Kid and Pancho with what we have seen of the relationship between Carson and El Toro. It is somewhat remarkable that we are already entering a period of imitations, given how little time television has been readily available for. Bound to happen sooner or later, I suppose.

That is all the good news on the show, but there is bad. Firstly, this is clearly a syndicated cut of the show, only running about 25 minutes with a few visible edits. In addition, the print is really dark at times, making it a bit difficult to see what is going on. Add to that some visible degradation of the print and this is, I am sorry to say, a noticeable drop in quality from what we are used to. However, given Adventures of Kit Carson is probably not at the front of the line for high quality restoration and a multi-DVD season release by a high profile company, this is as good as it gets, so I will be happy to take it.

The Bottom Line: Visual vaults and edits aside, the show is watchable, if not especially enthralling. Worth taking a look at if you are a fan of early 50s television and Westerns, but can be skipped if you do not fall into that category.

Road to Monterey is included on Adventures of Kit Carson ( It is relatively inexpensive and can be found for decent prices at a variety of locations if you are interested in sampling the show.

Next time, another Tale of Tomorrow.

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